Welcome to Andretta Innovations!
We are a small business that specializes in weather forecasting and scientific software development in the United States. Dr. Thomas Aquinas Andretta and Maria Victoria Andretta founded this company in May 2016. Dr. Andretta has 25 years of experience from the private sector, academia, state, and federal government. In particular, he worked for 12 years with the National Weather Service in Louisiana and Idaho as an operational meteorologist, software developer, and Intranet Webmaster. He served for 13 years as a project manager, database administrator, weather consultant, and senior data scientist with the State of Wyoming.
What makes us unique? We specialize in customized weather forecasts on grid scales as small as 2 km at sub-hourly time scales (15-30 minutes for 12-24 hours simulation) over user-defined domains in the United States. Our current focus is serving agricultural interests in Wyoming. Dr. Andretta has over 15 years of experience forecasting weather patterns in the United States using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, including configuring simulations with customized terrain and physical parameterizations. We also create specialized software solutions across multiple operating systems for the atmospheric and physical science communities. Dr. Andretta's research has been recognized in both national and international peer-review literature; he has received many special act of service awards during his distinguished career.
Our Values to Our Clients:
- Thinking critically outside the box with innovative solutions
- Promoting forecast accuracy not fancy jargon
- Creating responsible business solutions within budget for clients
Our values stem from decades of determination, hard work, and innovation. Please explore the hyperlinks in this website to see some of the past and present projects. Let us bring value to your needs in the physical sciences sphere. You can contact us for more information at the link in the top of the page. Thank you.