Eastern Wyoming Forecast Discussion
Case: Archive (March 13 2019)
3:00 PM MDT May 25 2019
Discussion Metrics
Forecast Period:
From: 12:00 AM MDT (0600 UTC) March 13 2019
To: 5:00 AM MDT (1100 UTC) March 14 2019
Satellite Imagery:
Large cloud shield on moisture imagery was associated with deep tropical moisture plume and upper-level low pressure system covering most of Wyoming.
METAR observations and surface isobaric pattern support a strong 970 hPa surface cyclone moving from central Colorado to central Nebraska by afternoon.
Operational Models:
WRF QPF (NAM Analysis initialization and WDM6 microphysics)
WRF suggests cyclone track favors widespread snow in cold sector and strong post-frontal winds over eastern Wyoming.
Forecast Challenges:
Locations of heaviest snowfall in plains and adjacent highlands.
Possible high surface winds in the plains after cold front passage.
Final Predictions:
Event snowfall: 12 to 24 inches in High Plains east of Laramie Range with blizzard conditions.
Example: WRF Forecast
Disclaimer: Andretta Innovations LLC assumes no liability for application of these discussions in operational forecasting decisions.